How to use Mobile as Webcam?

by | Nov 11, 2014 | TIPS & TRICKS, Uncategorized

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There’s an old saying that “A picture is worth a thousand words” which is now replaced by a new saying that “A video is worth a million”. We know that there is a huge difference between a simple telephonic call and video call. A video call can simply change the tone of a conversation.

If you don’t have a webcam, but have a phone that runs Android 2.2 or higher then you can use it as Webcam instead of buying a separate Webcam for your Computer. But how????

Don’t worry, today, I am going to tell you the whole method. You just need to install couple of software and a Wifi connection.

How to use Mobile as Webcam?

To start the procedure, follow the below 2 steps:
Step No. 1
  • A Wifi Connection i.e. you computer and mobile phone should be connected to the same wifi network
  • A PC / Laptop with Skype
  • An Android phone with Android v 2.2 or higher
  • The IP Webcam Application (You can download it for free from the Google Play store)
  • The IP Camera Adapter software for your computer (You can download it free by clicking here)

Step No. 2

  • After the completion of step # 1 follow the following steps:
  • Open the IP webcam application on your Android phone
  • Tweak the settings as per your needs
  • Adjust resolution, quality, the orientation of your Mobile camera, the maximum frames per second and the focus mode.
  • Enable audio mode if you want to use the phone as a microphone as well. 
  • Make it sure the app is set to “prevent the phone going to sleep”
  • You can set a login and password, if you want the connection to be more secrue.
  • Once you get yourself satisfied with the set up, go to the bottom and tap start server.

Hurray!!! Thats it…. Enjoy now 🙂

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