An Unforgettable meeting with Mula Muhammad Umer

by | Mar 10, 2015 | Uncategorized

An Unforgettable meeting with Mula Muhammad Umer

An Unforgettable meeting with Mula Muhammad Umer

I met Mula Umer at the time he had conquered Kabul and the Afghan government was under his control. The topic of the meeting is very interesting. When I went to see him, he was not living in the presidential palace but lived in a rough chamber outside the city of Kabul. There was a big porch in the chamber; its door was made up of folded tins. When I reached there I saw a single Guard with a gun in the chamber. The Guard asked me about the purpose of my arrival. I requested him for a meeting with Mula Muhammad Umer. He took me inside the chamber and told me to sit on the bed and wait as Mula Umer was out of chamber for some work. He told me that he will be back in some time. After waiting few minutes, I saw a man entered into the chamber on an old bicycle. The hands of that man were covered with Mobil Oil or something like that. The Guard ran quickly and brought some water and help that man in washing his hands. When he has done, the Guard told me that “He is Mr. Mulla Muhammad Umer.

I was amazed. I asked Mr. Mula Muhammad Umer in a state of wonder “Where did you go and why were your hands covered with black oil? He replied, I am not taking any salary from Government, I know the work of Generator and Engines etc. I repaired the Generators and Engines of the people and make some money. I was to fix a generator of some body, which is the reason why my hands were covered with Mobil Oil.

Friends, This is Mula Muhammad Umer, who is a fear for United States of America and Europe at this time. He is standing alone in front of forty major powers of the world without any fear and all the forty powers are useless and disgraced in front of him by the grace of Allah. In modern times, a legendary character, who was a king of a country for several years but we have not seen his single picture in the market.
He is a real Mujahid and servant of Islam. He is a friend of Pakistan. He was never ever involved in a terrorism. He has never ever shot a single bullet against Pakistan. Even though, he has never pass a single statement on Television etc. till now and he is not belonging to any terrorists party like TTP (Tehrik Taliban Pakistan).

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