URDU FSC-1 Notes
Urdu Tashreeh & Notes 1st Year Urdu Nazam#8 Shab e Mairaj
Nazam#7 Barrhay Chalo – Urdu Tashreeh and Notes FBISE 2016-17 New Course
Nazam#6 Tuloo e Islam – Urdu Nazam Notes with Tashreeh FBISE 2016-17
Poem#5-Khitaab ba Jawaanane e Islam, Urdu Hissa Nazam Notes FA/FSc/ICS/ICOM FBISE
Urdu Notes Class First Year XI (Hissa Nazam) Poem#4-Banjara Naama
Hissa Nazam#3 Bahar e Subh – Urdu Notes FBISE 1st Year 2016-17 Onwards
Urdu Notes 1st Year (Hissa Nazam) Poem#2-Naat
Urdu Notes 1st Year (Hissa Nazam) Poem#1-Hamd
Urdu Notes 1st Year Ghazal#13&14 Ahmed Nadeem Qasmi FBISE 2016-17 and Onwards
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