A message on WhatsApp that has gone viral claims that the ongoing ICC World Cup 2015 is fixed which may serve a big blow to cricket enthusiasts. The most shocking fact about the message is that so far all the results of the ongoing World Cup 2015 matches have come true and have matched exactly what the message states. According to the message, India will go to lose against South Africa and Zimbabwe and will not be able defend their World Cup title as world champions. The message states that the second quarterfinal will be played between Australia and Zimbabwe, in which Australia will beat Zimbabwe, South Africa will beat England in the third quarterfinal and Sri Lanka will register their first World Cup victory against Pakistan. But Asian giants India and Sri Lanka won’t be able to progress beyond the semifinals as they will be beaten by the two best teams in the competition i.e. Australia and South Africa respectively.
The message shows that In the final South Africa will defeat the host Australiaon March 29, 2015 at MCG for their maiden World Cup title victory.
If this message is true indeed, then all the work done by the International Cricket Council against the fixers will clearly come to naught.