How to Promote a Facebook Fan page (7 Tips)

by | Dec 10, 2015 | TIPS & TRICKS

People who own some kind of business or blog are searching for different methods regarding Internet Marketing Tips. Creation of Facebook Fan Page is the most popular way of Internet Marketing. This strategy has been adopted by almost 90% of these entrepreneurs because of its simplicity and a quicker way of promoting business online. Creation of a Facebook Fan Page is not a difficult task. Actually, the main challenging task every page owner is facing is to promote his / her page. Keeping in view of these facts, I have created this post for you people.

There are several ways to promote your Facebook Fan Page. Some of them are as follows:

Facebook Invite Friends Feature

Facebook provides every page owner a facility of promoting his / her Fan Page through “Invite Friends” feature. To do so, follow the below steps:

  1. Log in to your Facebook profile.
  2. After Log in, open your Facebook Fan Page.
  3. Go To Settings
  4. Select “Invite Friends”
  5. Click “Invite” button in front of your friends name to invite him / her.

This is the most common and easy feature provided by Facebook. This feature is very much beneficial, specially if you created a new Facebook Fan Page.

Adding Links in Email and Signatures

Did you ever think, how many emails you sent daily? No… Then its time to think. If you are a regular Email user then it is a good chance for you to promote your Facebook Page through Email. Just Add your Facebook Link in your Email or add the link in your signatures. There is a great chance of getting traffic from Emails and they might like your Fan Page.

Facebook Check Inns

Many Facebook users are unaware of Facebook Check Inns. Facebook Check Inns is the most important contributor in promoting your business page. To allow your users Check Inn facility, your page name must be a public place like Office or some visiting place. A large number of users are checking in daily on such kind of places and as a result a huge number of public will visit your page which will increase a chance of getting more Likes on your page.

Tagging Friends

Tagging feature is one of the best feature of Facebook. Through this feature an individual can increase the visibility of his post. If you tag your friend it will automatically be posted on the wall of your friend. Facebook allow you to Tag 50 friends in a single photo. But don’t tag your friends too often, it will result you in shape of Temporary Ban on Tagging friends from Facebook. Tagging the same friends too often might tease your friend and he might unfriend you from his list. So, be careful in using this feature.

Share Page Posts in Popular Groups

One of the most useful idea of promoting your Facebook Fan Page is share to the posts you have posted on your Facebook Fan Page on Facebook Groups. Just search for big and relevant groups and share your page posts there. There are millions of groups on Facebook having good number of active members, you can find them easily by doing some work. This feature is very much popular and you will be surprised to see the positive results. Once you shared your Facebook Page post in the group, it will be notified to maximum members of that group. If people found your posts interesting, informative and useful, they will definitely come to visit your page and will like your page as well. Keep one thing in mind that never share your Facebook Page Link on the group and there is no need of begging people to ask them for liking your page. It will create a negative impression. Just have a focus on your page and try to share useful material with public so that they like your page without begging.

Use of #Hashtags

Surprisingly, more then 80% of Facebook users are unaware of the power of hashtags. Here are some ideas I am sharing with you people.

Keep in mind, every single #hashtag has its unique URL and a status update box at the top. So every time you share a single post with #hashtag, your post will automatically be shared on the URL of that #hashtag page. #Hashtags are actually clickable links, whenever anyone click it, he / she will be redirected to the #hashtag of that URL. Just think about your marketers and your related area and use tags in trending topics related to your topic / post. To use #Hashtag, always capitalize the first letter of the word e.g. to use the #hashtag of “Capitalize the First word”, you should write it in #hashtag as “#CapitalizeTheFirstWord”. This technique will definitely promote your Facebook Fan Page.

Facebook Like Box

If you are the owner of a Website or a blog, then I will recommend the Facebook Like box to you for your Facebook Page Promotion. Facebook Like box will be displayed anywhere you want. It can be fixed on the sidebars as well as in the footer of the page but I will recommend you to fix it in the sidebar of your posts. This will also improve the likes of your page.

If you follow all the above methods, I guarantee you that you will surely get a very good business in a very less period of time. I hope you will like this post. If it helped you, then please don’t forget to share it on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and other social media. For any query, you can comment below or you can Contact Us.

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