What is going to be happen in the hell? A video example

by | Nov 18, 2014 | Uncategorized

Dear Friends,

Of course the below video is nothing in front of Allah Subhanahu Wata’Aala and is not the real one.We know that it has been created by a human but we must give full credit to the producer of the movie who sketch the view of Hell with a very good example. It will not be wrong to say that this video is a life changer because this video will refresh our faith. I hope, this video will also change your life and in the future you will work hard for good deeds. After watching the video, we must apologize for our Sins. We will die one day. No one will help us except our good deeds and the Rehmat of Allah Subhanahu Wata’Aala. We must pray Almighty Allah for forgiveness. May Allah forgive our sins and give us hidayat.
Watch the video below:
[su_dailymotion url=”https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2ah9xo_the-day-of-judgement-would-be-like-this-must-watch-this-video_school#from=embediframe” logo=”no” quality=”240″ related=”no” info=”no”]

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